Fueled Whey is a Premiere whey protein designed to meet the needs of all who desire to supplement protein with the cleanest and most trusted alternative. *Fueled Whey is manufactured in a state-of-the-art facility that practices dock-to-dock inspections. The protein is tested for impurities several times throughout the manufacturing process to guarantee every jug meets the highest standard of specifications. Fueled manufacturers are compliant above all expectations with WADA. The goal at Fueled Supplements is to provide the highest of quality product, with the highest quality of raw ingredients, made by the best manufacturer in the industry.*
What is ProtaLyn®?
Our scientists have worked hard to develop a perfect protein by finding a way to pump more of this muscle-building compound into your body through "Hybrid Enzymatic Peptide ProcessingTM." This brand new protein technology is derived from our patent-pending process using enzymatic reaction during the liquid phase before drying. The 'Hybrid' is formed by the reaction of milk and grain protein extracts resulting in the finished product called ProtaLyn®.
How Is ProtaLyn® Made?
This biologically active protein represents the next generation of high end protein powders. All American Pharmaceutical’s Dairy Division has been a top manufacturer of whey protein for the past 25 years. The results of our continued research to the develop high quality, great tasting protein is what has lead to development of ProtaLyn® .
In any process you must begin with the highest quality ingredients to end up with superior finished goods. You’ve heard this one many times before, but it is worth repeating again:“Garbage in, Garbage Out.” This simply means if you start with low quality raw material you will get a low quality finished product.
USDA prime choice milking cattle are chosen for the milk source. Special care is taken with everything from their feed, to how they are handled.
The milk is immediately loaded into temperature controlled stainless steel transfer trucks. Upon arrival at our State of the Art filtration & ionization plant, every step of the process is monitored for quality.
During this first process, enzymes are added and the mix processes as the milk ripens. The dairy whey is then removed from the mix and transported to another holding tank. The following steps now take place:
1). Casein is removed to secure proper filtration
2). Separation of cream to reduce the fat content
3). Heat treatment to control bacteriological quality
4). The addition of high quality grain extracts
5). Additions of pre-treatments
6). pH adjusted
The second step then requires this mix to sit, mature, then chill for 24 hours before moving into filtration.
Once the required peptide response is achieved, the liquid mix moves into ultra filtration, which removes the remaining fat, etc., to a concentration of around 75% protein solids by dry measurements.
High heat and denaturing processing are the quickest and cheapest ways to dry protein. However, it should also be noted that extreme heat is the worst drying process for proteins because it ruptures (“denatures”)and reforms the natural protein bonds into cross-links. This slows down the digestion and absorption process because these cross-linked proteins have thousands more bonds for the enzymes in your intestines to break down. Because it takes longer for the amino acids to reach the muscles, it causes about a 65% less nitrogen retention. Some proteins that are commonly processed with extreme heat are; egg whites, lactalbumin, casein, & whey protein.
Our scientific processing techniques use "State of the Art" technology and equipment, allowing us to bypass this deadly heating process by using a cold high speed air chamber drying technique. In these large chambers, the ionic cold high speed air processing blows off all the excess water, leaving us with a finished powder called ProtaLyn® .This process results in the most bio-available protein ever produced.
Reference: Dr. Jeff Golini, ProtaLyn®, 2019
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